(Wado is the Cherokee word for Thank You!)
You began when the Earth was still full of Life and Sunshine.
You brought cooler Temperatures and shorter hours of Sunshine.
You sent the message to the Trees that it was time to rest.
You left the Everygreens to remind us that Growth will come again.
Oh Autumn!
We now say Good bye to you for another year on this day of Solstice.
We hold in our Memories, beautiful Colors as the trees shed their Leaves.
We hold in our Memories Butterflies, Hummingbirds, Thunderstorms and Rainbows.
We hold in our Memories flowers in full Bloom, Crops growing to feed us and Birds singing their sweet songs.
But the Wheel must Turn!
And Persephone travels deeper into the Underworld to spend time with her dear Hades.
And Demeter's heart is broken not Knowing where her Daughter has gone. And she Cries tears of Ice and Snow.
And our Bodies tell us it is time to Hibernate!
But this morning, Sweet Autumn, as I played my Drum for the last Sunrise of this Season; as I played my Flute at my Altar, I wanted to stop and say
Blessed be and much love!
The time has come for me to speak from the heart of a Mystic Crone. I am a vessel of the Divine and as such I understand when She asks me to speak words of Truth and Love. This may not be Your Truth but it is the Truth that lies in this Mystic Crone's heart. By sharing my heart and thoughts I hope you will get to know me better but also see that the Divine speaks to you also and asks that you speak that Truth in Love and Light! Come join me on this journey! Blessed be!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
The Whistling Tea Kettle
My Maternal Grandmother had a Whistling Tea Kettle. She loved tea and drank it often.
When I went to visit her in Pennsylvania, she would put water in that Whistling Tea Kettle and fix us a delicious cup of tea. I loved these times with my grandmother. She embraced her Croneness!
I love the sound of a Whistling Tea Kettle.It reminds me of my Grandmother.
It reminds me of this Woman with her wrinkly hands, her white hair, and her round body.
It reminds me of Love.
And so each day, when my Tea Kettle whistles that She is ready to pour out boiling water into my tea cup, I tell Gram how much I miss and love her.
Sometimes it is the simple things that stay with us, that warm our heart and that remind us to hold on to our Memories!
May your Tea Kettles always Whistle reminding you to stop and Remember!
Blessed be!
When I went to visit her in Pennsylvania, she would put water in that Whistling Tea Kettle and fix us a delicious cup of tea. I loved these times with my grandmother. She embraced her Croneness!
I love the sound of a Whistling Tea Kettle.It reminds me of my Grandmother.
It reminds me of this Woman with her wrinkly hands, her white hair, and her round body.
It reminds me of Love.
And so each day, when my Tea Kettle whistles that She is ready to pour out boiling water into my tea cup, I tell Gram how much I miss and love her.
Sometimes it is the simple things that stay with us, that warm our heart and that remind us to hold on to our Memories!
May your Tea Kettles always Whistle reminding you to stop and Remember!
Blessed be!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Damn I have a broken foot!
Ok, so once again I was in a hurry, not paying attention and missed the last two concrete steps and bam, down I went! Not much pain and little swelling so I thought I would wait til the next morning to access the damage.
Off I went to the ER and the doctor announces: "I will get to the point, you have broken you foot and you did it up good! Broke right through!" To which I replied, "SHIT"!
My souvenir was this picture and a splint! And an appointment to see the orthopedist who will decide what to do!
And the worst???? Stay off your foot, elevate it and oh yes, since it is your right foot no driving for 4-6 weeks!
Immediately I went into: how will I get to work, how will I get all the paperwork I have to gather up, how will I get up and down my stairs, oh damn, I won't be able to get to the grocery store or the post office to send Yule and Christmas cards! And the mail center....if I can't drive how will I get there every day????
Oh how necessary my feet are to me and how I forget to thank them every day!
Then I stopped short and began to tear up! I realized that meant no walking to the Lake or in the Forest until sometime in January! And I would not be attending the Goddess Weekend December 21st! I thought my life was over!
Damn I broke my foot!
And the text began to come, thanks to facebook and my willingness to put my whole life into cyberspace, with offers of help, rides to work, help with grocery shopping, etc. My heart was touched, but my first reaction was how much I don't like to depend on others! But yet, I want others to reach out to me!
After drumming today and thanking Great Spirit Goddess for all my blessings, I was reminded that we are all called to be Her Vessels at some time or another. When we say no, we dishonor the Goddess and those She has chosen to be her Divine Vessel! When we say no, we are not allowing another to feel the Fullness of Her Nourishing Liquid Divineness! When we say no, we are not allowing another to be Her Hands, Feet and Heart! When we say no, we are not allowing another to taste the Richness of Her blessings both on them and us!
We are Vessels of the Goddess! The answer should always be YES! Both when She calls Us to pour forth and when She calls Us to Drink Deeply!
Yes, I broke my damn foot, but from this will come not only Lessons but Opportunities. Opportunities to Accept Help! Opportunities to be quiet, to reflect on the busyness of my life, read, blog and meditate. It will challenge me to look closely at my "financial" need and how that impacts the time I have to actually spend time with Goddess and Her Daughters!
It will be interesting to look back in January when I finally get back to Driving and see the Show unfold before me of all the Divine Appointments I actually showed up for cause I was slowed down.
Life is just that: A Divine Plan that unfolds before us! Reminding us "We plan, Goddess laughs!"
So, yep I broke my Damn Foot, but I look forward to all the Amazing Opportunities that await me!
Blessed be and much love!
Off I went to the ER and the doctor announces: "I will get to the point, you have broken you foot and you did it up good! Broke right through!" To which I replied, "SHIT"!
My souvenir was this picture and a splint! And an appointment to see the orthopedist who will decide what to do!
And the worst???? Stay off your foot, elevate it and oh yes, since it is your right foot no driving for 4-6 weeks!
Immediately I went into: how will I get to work, how will I get all the paperwork I have to gather up, how will I get up and down my stairs, oh damn, I won't be able to get to the grocery store or the post office to send Yule and Christmas cards! And the mail center....if I can't drive how will I get there every day????
Oh how necessary my feet are to me and how I forget to thank them every day!
Then I stopped short and began to tear up! I realized that meant no walking to the Lake or in the Forest until sometime in January! And I would not be attending the Goddess Weekend December 21st! I thought my life was over!
Damn I broke my foot!
And the text began to come, thanks to facebook and my willingness to put my whole life into cyberspace, with offers of help, rides to work, help with grocery shopping, etc. My heart was touched, but my first reaction was how much I don't like to depend on others! But yet, I want others to reach out to me!
After drumming today and thanking Great Spirit Goddess for all my blessings, I was reminded that we are all called to be Her Vessels at some time or another. When we say no, we dishonor the Goddess and those She has chosen to be her Divine Vessel! When we say no, we are not allowing another to feel the Fullness of Her Nourishing Liquid Divineness! When we say no, we are not allowing another to be Her Hands, Feet and Heart! When we say no, we are not allowing another to taste the Richness of Her blessings both on them and us!
We are Vessels of the Goddess! The answer should always be YES! Both when She calls Us to pour forth and when She calls Us to Drink Deeply!
Yes, I broke my damn foot, but from this will come not only Lessons but Opportunities. Opportunities to Accept Help! Opportunities to be quiet, to reflect on the busyness of my life, read, blog and meditate. It will challenge me to look closely at my "financial" need and how that impacts the time I have to actually spend time with Goddess and Her Daughters!
It will be interesting to look back in January when I finally get back to Driving and see the Show unfold before me of all the Divine Appointments I actually showed up for cause I was slowed down.
Life is just that: A Divine Plan that unfolds before us! Reminding us "We plan, Goddess laughs!"
So, yep I broke my Damn Foot, but I look forward to all the Amazing Opportunities that await me!
Blessed be and much love!