The time has come for me to speak from the heart of a Mystic Crone. I am a vessel of the Divine and as such I understand when She asks me to speak words of Truth and Love. This may not be Your Truth but it is the Truth that lies in this Mystic Crone's heart. By sharing my heart and thoughts I hope you will get to know me better but also see that the Divine speaks to you also and asks that you speak that Truth in Love and Light! Come join me on this journey! Blessed be!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
2013 already?
Happy 2013! Yep; another year is upon us. Another year to look forward to. Another year for me to say, "Is is me or does time seem to move faster than ever these days?"
My cousin from Pennsylvania came to visit me for New Years. His first stop was the Verizon store to purchase the new IPhone 5! He tried his best to get me to purchase one which meant I then would have to add a data package to my current bill. You see I have a cell phone for calls and texting and that is it and it drives him crazy!
As I stood there in the Verizon store I flashed back to December 31, 1999! We had spend months, like everyone else preparing for Goddess knew what would happen when we moved into 2000. When I look back at all the hysteria I do laugh, but at the time we were all engulfed in fear of the unknown! So what did my family do? We threw one hell of a New Year's Eve party waiting for the entire financial market to collapse; waiting for electricity to go out; waiting for....oh hell, we didn't even know what we were waiting for, we were just sure something terrible would happen! And guess didn't!
Anyway...I digress! So, it has been 13 years since that trauma! 13 years! And boy has there been lots more drama in these 13 years; 9/11 happened, presidents have changed, more states approved gay marriages, we have had mass murders, etc etc etc. I divorced my husband, retired, graduated from graduate school, left the Christian Tradition, embraced the beautiful Pagan Witch Path, moved 4 times and moved away from my beautiful mountains! Oh I had heart bypass and cervical neck fusion.Oh yeah, I turned 60 too! Whew!
2013 already? On some days it seems like a very long time, but most of the time I say "2013 already?"
I think what bothers me the most now is that in 13 years I will be 73 years old! that feels so old! Will those years go as fast as these? I honestly hope not but I am sure they will and probably faster!
So, Happy 2013! May your year be all that you want it to be; healthy, happy and secure! May you know the love of Goddess and all those around you! May the scars you have developed over the past year begin to heal and smooth out! May you know that I am thankful for you agreeing to be on my journey into the New Year!
Blessed be!
You will be an amazing 73 year old Crone!! Happy New Year dear happy I'm walking the Path with you!! Love you, Autumn