The time has come for me to speak from the heart of a Mystic Crone. I am a vessel of the Divine and as such I understand when She asks me to speak words of Truth and Love. This may not be Your Truth but it is the Truth that lies in this Mystic Crone's heart. By sharing my heart and thoughts I hope you will get to know me better but also see that the Divine speaks to you also and asks that you speak that Truth in Love and Light! Come join me on this journey! Blessed be!
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Don't Cry For Me!
Don't Cry For Me!
I am Maiden, Mother, Crone!
I am held prisoner in the patriarchal world!
Don't Cry For Me!
My Braid symbolizing the Bondage I remain in.
Don't Cry For Me!
The Maiden being taught that being thin is the body image I am to embrace.
The Maiden being taught that my body is for the pleasure of men.
The Maiden being taught that the blood that flows from my body is unclean and to be hated.
The Maiden being taught that I am an incubator for children I may or may not want.
The Maiden being taught that I am not beautiful unless I am made up, dolled up and sexy!
The Maiden being taught that I am barred from spiritual leadership, or leadership in many capacities because I am a woman.
I am the Maiden!
Don't Cry For Me!
Don't Cry For Me!
I am the Mother!
The Mother being taught that I must bear children from my own body in order to have worth.
The Mother being taught that I must bear children....period!
The Mother being taught that I must sacrifice my self for others at all time.
The Mother being taught that my badge of courage is going without so others can have.
The Mother being taught that the blood that flows from my body is still unclean and to be hated.
The Mother being taught that my value is only about taking care of husband and children and I can't do both and work outside the home. What kind of Mother am I?
The Mother being taught that being thin is the body image I must still embrace if I am to "keep" my partner as he or she begins to look for a Maiden.
The Mother being taught that I am still not welcome into leadership roles just because I am a woman.
I am the Mother!
Don't Cry For Me!
Don't Cry For Me!
I am the Crone!
The Crone still being taught that body image is what it is all about, so dye the hair and put on more make up, get botox, hate the wrinkles, but rejoice that the hated blood flow has stopped.
The Crone being taught that I have nothing to teach.
The Crone being taught that I am too old for leadership.
The Crone being taught that men will leave me for the Maiden as my vagina dries up and my hair turns gray.
The Crone being taught that after being skinny, having and raising children, my worth is no longer needed. Not that I had worth as Maiden or Mother, but less worth now.
I am the Crone!
Don't Cry For Me!
Bring Raven messages to Me.
The Raven's Intelligence is possibly its most winning feature. Raven's can be taught to Speak; this speaking ability leading into the legend of Raven being the Ultimate Oracle. Teach me to Speak, to embrace the Gift of being the Ultimate Oracle.
The Raven is a harbinger of Powerful Secrets; Secrets held by Women from All Time. Moreover, the Raven is a Messenger, so its business is in both keeping and communicating Deep Mysteries. Encourage me to embrace the Deep Mysteries and teach them to other Women; thereby breaking the lies and betrayal of the patriarchal.
The Raven symbolizes Wisdom and Knowledge-keeping; the holder of Ancestral Memories. The Raven does not carry different colors on its body to entice others to look upon them; no Ravens carry black so that when gazing upon her, its the Soul, Knowledge and Wisdom that flows forth.
Native North American Tribes saw the Raven as the bringer of Light. Hopi, Navajo, Zuni felt the Raven flew out of the Dark Womb of the Cosmos and with it brought the light of sun (dawning of understanding). Thus the Raven is considered a venerated bird of Creation, for without the Raven, human would forever live in Darkness.
Teach me that I am Light, Wise, Beautiful, Creatress, holder of the Deep Mysteries (which include the mysteries of bleeding), Intelligent, a Leader, Daughter of the Goddess who does not want me to live in Bondage. Teach me to love the Body I was given in all its forms; teach me that I can Choose to do and be what I want to be or do; teach me how to be released from this Bondage!
I am Maiden, Mother, Crone!
Do not Cry for Me!
Teach me!
Speak for me!
Release me from the Prison I have been placed in along with all my Sisters!
And All will be Released!
Blessed be!
ahhhh....yes!!!! for the raven's message!!! ♥ <*)