Saturday, December 21, 2013

Wado Autumn

(Wado is the Cherokee word for Thank You!)

You began when the Earth was still full of Life and Sunshine.

You brought cooler Temperatures and shorter hours of Sunshine.

You sent the message to the Trees that it was time to rest.

You left the Everygreens to remind us that Growth will come again.

Oh Autumn!
We now say Good bye to you for another year on this day of Solstice.
We hold in our Memories, beautiful Colors as the trees shed their Leaves.
We hold in our Memories Butterflies, Hummingbirds, Thunderstorms and Rainbows.
We hold in our Memories flowers in full Bloom, Crops growing to feed us and Birds singing their sweet songs.


But the Wheel must Turn!
And Persephone travels deeper into the Underworld to spend time with her dear Hades.
And Demeter's heart is broken not Knowing where her Daughter has gone. And she Cries tears of Ice and Snow.

And our Bodies tell us it is time to Hibernate!

But this morning, Sweet Autumn, as I played my Drum for the last Sunrise of this Season; as I played my Flute at my Altar, I wanted to stop and say


Blessed be and much love!

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