Saturday, March 24, 2012

What are we to do with you Mary?

I was looking for something I had written and came across a file of Christian Goddess devotions I was writing at one time. I wrote many devotions, but as I was making my transition from God to Goddess and from Christianity to Paganism, I spend many hours with the women in the Bible. The United States is once again on a Witch hunt...they are demeaning women and using the Bible to show their right to do so; attacking women right at the most vulnerable place: our sexuality; our gift of birthing life into the world! With that in mind I want to post one of the Christian Goddess Devotions I wrote and no one has ever read! Blessed be!

Mary, mother of Jesus

Oh, Mary what are we to do with you? You have been the subject of much controversy since the resurrection of your Son. The early Church Fathers struggled with why God would choose to come into the world born of a human woman. The early Church Fathers needed to make you pure and without ever sinning. You had to be so very different than any other human female because how could Jesus, Who is God, grow in the womb of sinful “Eve” and then arrive into the world through the tainted birth canal. Our God wouldn’t make that choice! So, they had to make you something you were not. They made you into an untouched woman who was born without original sin.

If this is so, Mary, then what do we do with your mother and all the mothers back to Eve? What do we do with women in general? What makes us so unusable that throughout time, the Church has struggled with what to do with us? Who decided to deny the role of women in God’s great and mysterious cosmic plan?

Oh Mary, what do we do with you? We must honor and adore you! We must see ourselves in you as being worthy of God’s perfect call on our lives. We see in you that God impregnates us all with a desire to bring the Divine into the world, to birth God right into the midst of our lives and the lives of others. We are all worthy of having God appear to us and say: “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

And God does, but we choose to believe what the world says to us. The world tells us we are less than, we are unworthy and we are not favored. Many religious will look at Eve as causing The Fall therefore, she is certainly the worst of the worst and all women after her are the same.

But God showed us differently. God could have come into the world any way that God wanted to, but you see God chose Mary. God chose to grow in the precious womb of a woman and be born into the world as we all are. What a marvelous plan of God’s!

When we feel we are not worthy of God’s call on our lives we must look to Mary. We must converse with her and let her show us that God chooses us all, no matter where we live, how we look, or what we have done in the past or are doing in the present. God loves us just the way we are, but like Mary God has no plans to leave us like we are.

Mary was changed in an instant, she chose to accept God’s call and she nurtured God’s call in a way only a woman could. She nourished the Divine within her own body, gave birth to the Devine and nourished the Divine throughout His life.

What are we to do with you, Mary? We are to look into your eyes and see ours. You are us and we are you. Chosen, adored, loved, and highly favored! We are to believe it, for it is true! 

So Mote It Be! 

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