Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Whistling Tea Kettle

My Maternal Grandmother had a Whistling Tea Kettle. She loved tea and drank it often.

When I went to visit her in Pennsylvania, she would put water in that Whistling Tea Kettle and fix us a delicious cup of tea. I loved these times with my grandmother. She embraced her Croneness!

I love the sound of a Whistling Tea Kettle.It reminds me of my Grandmother.
It reminds me of this Woman with her wrinkly hands, her white hair, and her round body.
It reminds me of Love.

And so each day, when my Tea Kettle whistles that She is ready to pour out boiling water into my tea cup, I tell Gram how much I miss and love her.

Sometimes it is the simple things that stay with us, that warm our heart and that remind us to hold on to our Memories!

May your Tea Kettles always Whistle reminding you to stop and Remember!

Blessed be!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so nice. What a beautiful memory. You've just given me an idea..actually, it was in the back of my mind for a long time but I'll have to design and work on it early next year will convelescing. A Goddess teapot! Yep..thanks for the prompt!
