Sunday, February 23, 2014

Shamanic Journey to Healing

Just when I think "the healing" is done; the Guest returns and reminds me there is always a bit more to do.

Yesterday, I attended a workshop led by 4 women entitled "Empowering the Divine Feminine". The workshop began with a Shamanic Journey. The Music and Sounds were the most Powerful I had ever Heard. Shamanic Heart Opening Ritual was led by Marcella. I tried to stay Focused on my Heart, but I was not to do that; instead I was to actually Journey through the Heart to the next level of Healing.

I entered a Cave; Dark and Foreboding, but Familiar and Comfortable; I knew I had Great Work to do in this Place. As I Arrived at the Center of the Cave I stood Face to Face with my Ex husband. There he stood with His Arrogant Look, His Demeaning Eyes, and his Narcissistic aura.

I Faced him and began to Strip him Bare. With my Magick I Stripped his Clothing from his Body. The Look on his Face began to Change to Confusion, but he remained Standing with his Narcissistic Aura fully in tact. With this I slowly Peeled away his Skin. His Aura became Dimmer and the Confusion turned to Fear and Awe. Finally I took out my Athame and Cut off his Penis. This is Threw into a small Fire that had been lit Beside Me. It was then that I Noticed the Wombyn from all Time standing Behind me.

(The music was escalating at this point). I Stood very Tall and Banished him Deep into the Cave Saying that he would Never hurt his Children, Me or Anyone else. As he was Sucked into the Depths and Darkness of the Cave, I lifted my Hands and Called Down the Huge Stones of the Cavern and they Sealed off the area where this Evil Man had been Sent.

I Turned and the Sea of Wombyn parted and I walked Boldly out of the Cave with the Wombyn following. When we Arrived outside the Cave a bonfire had been lit and Wombyn were already Dancing around it. I took my Space and Danced with them.

It was then that I saw Myself being Engulfed by the Flames. Smothered and Cleansed. Then I saw My Self Rising from the Flames, with my Daughter on my Left and my Son on my Right. We rose from the Ashes and there Waiting for Us was a Red and Magnificent Phoenix. We climbed unto Her Back and She soared over the Fire and let us off at a Crossroads. Here I stood with my Daughter on my Left and my Son on my Right. I gave each a Blessings of Love and Freedom and Sent them Down their Own Paths.

As I Stood there Watching my Children Traveling Down their Own Paths, I was Joined by Wolf to my Right and Brown Bear to my Left!

Together we walked to a Field where I laid Down in the Midst of Gorgeous Flowers. Wolf laid to my Right and Brown Bear on my Left. Fairies showed up in the Forest, bearing Honey and Bread for the next Journey. They Tended to me with Care and Love, Tenderness and Devotion.

I then Saw Myself being led into a Deep Pool of Water. As I Floated, still being Attended by the Fae, I Realized that I was Floating in my Own Tears; being Supported by My Own Tears; and the Fae told Me that it is in the Tears that I will find my Memories.

Eventually, I Stood up in the Pool of Tears and Walked Naked out onto a Path; Wolf joining me at My Right and Brown Bear at my Left.

The Three of Us Walked Down a Path, the Beginning of the Next Chapter of The Journey.

And the Music Stopped. And Marcella was Bringing Us Back.

Blessed be!



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Raven Spirit Song! It is always a blessing knowing you have joined my journey through my writings! Love you sister!

  2. Wow!!!! Powerful Vision. ..that is one that will take months to fully understand and integrate! At least you have two Guardians at your side....

    1. Feisty you are wonderful to read and comment. I feel like I have already integrated so much of this Shamanic Journey. Wolf has been with me since 1990 and Brown Bear with me since birth! So happy they have chosen to stay with me throughout my journey. I am so happy you have too!

  3. Wow!!!!!! Powerful Vision! It will take months to integrate it and fully understand it but at least you have two Guardians at your side. ...

  4. Great visualizing aid something that must be drunk in and soaked up throughout the mind and spirit ...thank you very powerful indeed!

    1. Thank you Bryleena for joining my journey through my blog. I am honored and blessed! Love you!

  5. You're amazing Sister!! This made me teary, so it's likely a ritual which I need to perform too!

    1. I am blessed and honored that you joined my journey. May your Journey be freeing and full of peace and love!

  6. What a powerful journey you took. I can't help but wonder how you are feeling about your journey now that it is over and some time has passed. It seems as though you were empowered by a need to purge yourself and be free of all memories of this man. I hope it has held.

    1. Oh yes Healing Woman, it has not only held but much has been revealed still. More women are showing up in my life who are showing me Ways I always Knew but only now am Ready to follow. I am seeing Karma taking over this man even tho' in his narcissism he will never realize it. Thanks so much for your love and support! Stay tuned! Love you!
