Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Rescuing OurSelves!

Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel and Gretel, and Rapunzel. Just a few of the Stories we Women grew up with.

Common theme: Girl/Woman is abused, poisoned, lost and/or trapped. Thus needing a Knight in Shining Armor to RESCUE her from the evils that have been placed upon her. She was too Weak to Rescue HerSelf!

A very dear and close Sister friend of mine is on a Finding My Voice Quest this week. On Monday, she had Enough, packed her bags to head 4 hours to a hotel for the week. She called her husband one hour into the trip to tell him she was doing this. Needless to say he was not a happy camper. The only other two people she told were me and her mother.

You see I Know her Story well. It is the Story of so many of us! Sexually abused as a child, bullied as a teen, verbally, mentally and emotionally abused by her husband and kids. She had lost her Voice, her Control, even her Will to Live. She packed her Bags and left for her Quest this week!

This morning she was telling me what happened yesterday. She was amazed that "all of a sudden" her Women Friends were calling just to check in. "Haven't talked in awhile, so thought I would call and see how you are." None of these women knew she had left on this Quest or even having problems.

You see, the Web of Sisterhood is this Connected! A Sister in Distress sends out into the Sisterhood Web vibrations that Alerts other Sisters on a level that is as deep as our DNA. She shared with each of them what was going on and she received the Love and Support that only Sisters can give one another.

Each one of them asked where she was staying, telling her they would be right there to open a bottle of wine and to help her. She would not tell any of them as she knew they would come. She told these wonderful Sisters that she had to do this on her Own.

And this is what I told her:

Yes, this is about YOU RESCUING YOU!  That is the most Empowering and Sustaining Rescue there is.  Only YOU can Rescue that Little Girl that needed Rescuing but no one came. Only YOU can Rescue that Teenager who found herself in a situation that no woman wants to find herself in as a high school teen. Only YOU can Rescue the Mother and the Wife!

When we Rescue OurSelves we are finally and totally in Charge and can never go back to way things were. For you see, at the end of the Day the Knight will always fall off the horse. The Knight will tell lies, will take credit and will place you in bondage just simply because he/she came to the Rescue.

This is the Ultimate Rescue. When we Finally let the Voice come forth that says I will no longer be told to "not tell", "to be silent", "to help at all costs", "to put the Oxygen Mask in the Airplane on everyone else before I put it on My Self" (remember that is one of the first things they tell you in the airplane: if there is an emergency, you always put your own oxygen mask on first, before you put it on anyone else including your child!)

It is that Voice that has been Silenced by even the Fairy Tales we are told over and over again as children. Don't complain about being a servant, Cinderella; don't be the prettiest, Sleeping Beauty; don't go into the woods, Gretel, or you will get us lost; I own you, Rapunzel, so you must stay locked up forever as you are mine and belong to no one else because I love you.

We are told the lie that we must put that Oxygen mask on everyone else....the entire plane in fact.... and if We die, well that is just too bad; we should have worked harder to get back to our own mask.

My dear Sister Friend is on her Rescue Quest and I am so happy and proud of her. She is taking time to Listen, to Play and to See what a new Story looks like for her.

So many of us still need to be Rescued. We are trapped in pasts still controlling us. We are trapped in marriages/relationships that seem impossible to get released from. We are trapped in the lies that we now believe are true. We have lost our Voice. BUT like Gretel, we know on the deepest level how to Rescue ourSelves! We know How to get Free. For some of us, like me it meant after 30 years, saying Enough is Enough and leaving for good. For some it means getting counseling, taking medications, going to Yoga, or even a week Quest and then returning and setting the Boundaries that needed to be set so long ago.

And all the while the Sisterhood Web vibrates alerting us all, that another Sister is Trapped and trying to get Released! We KNOW! We sense it! We pray, we send energy, we rejoice and we cry!

But Ultimately We are the Only One Who can Rescue our Self! And that my SiStars is Magickal, Empowering and Changes not only Us but every other Sister who breathes the same air in the Forest! 

Blessed be!


  1. I'm listening. I like the idea of a Quest week. I might actually try to do something like that for a few days. <3

    1. I would encourage you to do so. It is interesting that I now have a few sisters struggling as you and my sister are. Peace and love to you!

  2. If I can get to Michfest that will be my Quest week...this speaks to my Soul. I feel so trapped in Nebraska

    1. I do hope you are able to get to Michfest Feisty! I know you feel so trapped where you are now! Blessed be and love!

  3. whatever gets one from there to here....i am reminded that the outcome of any situation is set by my intention...if i own it, i can change it and through the knowing i empower myself and others!! <3

    1. Thank you for your Wise and empowering words Raven! You are a blessings to me and so many others! love and light my dear Sister!
